My work has always been concerned with books and paper, the search for truth the main aim.
The truth tends to destroy illusion, as much as when you want to get to the truth of an object, you have to destroy it.
Mi obra está siempre relacionada a libros y papel, la búsqueda de la verdad su principal objetivo.
La verdad tiende a destruir la ilusión, en tanto quieres llegar a la verdad de algo, tienes que destruirlo.
The Collage Book
Rennaissance book covers, Toledo Biblioteca Castilla La Mancha 2013
Redacted Erasmus Collected Works, Published by Froben 1540 Basel, 2013 Toledo Biblioteca de Castilla La Mancha
Many books in Toledo were redacted in this way by the inquisition. De Bello Turcico (1530) - "On War With the Turks" Is interesting as Erasmus was criticized for his pacifist stance, particularly concerning the Turks. The main argument in De Bello Turcico is that the Turks were sent by God to punish Christendom for its sins, and he concluded that reforming Christendom would placate His anger, and end wars, as it is God's anger that causes them. Huge sections have been cut out, and violently redacted.
Here the redaction is much less violent than Erasmus. Lyon 1529, Biblioteca Castilla La Mancha, Toledo 2013
Bound newspapers, New York, 1990
Rennaissance rare books, Biblioteca Castilla La Mancha, 2013
Encaustic Collage, New York 1990 Encaustic Collage, New York 1991